Our Sunday morning view on the Bok Squad

After my post yesterday evening and a good night's rest I have a little more to say this morning:

My thinking is that Meyer had to decide and select combinations first and he found his first combinations at the Sharks and Bulls compared to the Stormers. As a result each combination selected at the Sharks and Bulls also pulled an additional player (or two) from that same union.

My concern however this morning is that the Stormers B-Team won against the Bulls at Loftus this weekend with 13 Springboks, on their home field. The bottom of the Superugby table Lions with two Springboks in the squad also klapped the Sharks at Ellispark with 12 Springboks on the field for the Sharks. 

Based on the above I am also thinking that Meyer may have selected the final Bok team before the Sharks/Lions and Bulls/Stormers games.

That said, still thinking that it is a great team as a group, but that they would need to come together on the field asap. I am thus assuming that this is the reason why Meyer selected the bulk of the team from two unions i.e. the Bulls and the Sharks.

My thinking: Meyer decided to rest all the Stormers players for the Superugby final!?....

Cheers. Willem Tait willem@propx.co.za