Petition to save Newlands Rugby Stadium

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NEW Facebook Petition to save Newlands Rugby Stadium
NEWLANDS Rugby Stadium will find it impossible to host matches because of new safety regulations, and the SA Rugby Union (Saru) says the move could ruin the union. The controversy associated to the legislation is that Government has a Soccer World Cup Stadium next door, not generating income. Mmmmm?
The Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act was signed into law last year.
In its submission, Saru raised concerns about meeting the minimum safety and security requirements.
Saru game operations manager Steven Roos told the sports portfolio committee that if the minimum requirements were instituted, they would prove “logistically impossible”. Roos raised concerns that the cost of prescribed minimum safety and security requirements would render provincial matches financially unviable and ruin provincial rugby unions. Saru also raised concerns about police involvement at games.
Please click here and support, like and share our NEW Facebook Petition to save Newlands Rugby Stadium