Q and A with Heyneke Meyer from Dublin

Every week we give readers the opportunity to ask questions of South African rugby personalities.

Your Question: Heyneke are you going to play Jaun de Jongh in the springbok side, or are you going to bench him again. – Desmond

Heyneke answers: Hi Desmond – Juan is on the bench this week and it was not an easy selection to make, but I’ve decided to give Jean and Jaco another run together in the midfield and with Pat coming in at 10, I didn’t want to change too much in the backline. We all know what Juan can do and it’s great to know I can use him at any stage during the game.

Your Question: What happened to JC Janse van Rensburg? Scrumming all teams in Currie cup yet not selected? Surely chance for younger guys than Guthro to get blooded and prepared for next world cup. – Mike Spies

Heyneke answers: With Gurthro included, I’ve gone for a player that brings experience to the squad and is used to these conditions. JC is a player I rate highly Mike – he’s had a great season, not only as prop but also captaining the Golden Lions. He’s on our radar, so to speak, but for now we’ve decided to see what Gurthro and Heinke can do.

Your Question: heyneke y isnt basson on tour he is beta than anyone besides JP. Especially Mvovo and Rhule surely is there just to exp bok camp for the future. Basson is best chaser (in the air) if u forced to use that gameplan ?? – Holzie

Heyneke answers: Holzie, we know what we have in Bjorn, but he’s just come back from a long time on the sidelines because of injury and we decided to have a look at some other players as well. Raymond had a great Junior World Champs for the SA U20s and was the top try scorer in the Absa Currie Cup, while Lwazi is experienced at this level and has been with us all season.

Your Question: Heyneke, eva thought of bringing back Danie -at his age he is prob still the best bench player on the planet, covers 4/7 which in turn lends u another player bec he covers blind/s & lock. – Xerxes

Heyneke answers: Danie is a great player, but he was playing in Japan where he got very little game time for this club and we decided to go for the local guys. Just look how well Eben and Flip have done this season. Having said that, an experienced player like Danie will never be out of the picture completely, especially since he’s now moved to France, and if he has the desire to play for the Boks again, it could happen.

Your Question: Hi Coach, would Gio Aplon ever gets a change in the springbok team. He's a realy great player and can bring good qualities to the team. What are u realy looking for in a player? – Joseph van Staden

Heyneke answers: Gio started the third Test against England in PE earlier this year Joseph and we know what he brings to the table, but at the moment we’ve decided to have a look at other players. He was also out with an injury and is competing in the back three, where we have a number of good players at the moment.

Your Question: More Heyneke, het dit nie tyd geword om 'n speler soos Morne Steyn 'n behoorlike breuk te gee nie? Hy het die laaste paar jaar te veel rugby gespeel. Wat is u opinie om van ons spelers te rus soos die All Blacks met Richie doen? Sterkte met die toer! Groete – Jacques

Your Question: Why do you insist with Bakkies? Surely we have great young talent in SA. Not a Province fan, but look what they achieved without Bekker, De Villiers, and Burger. It also sounds as if Lambie will be getting splinters again, he proved himself against Steyn in the quarter final. – Dora

Your Question: With the coastal teams succeeding this year with their expansive style of rugby, why do you insist on using kopstamp en skop tactics? Why do you also insist on playing Bulls players that have been outplayed by everyone? – Brendan Sutcliffe

Your Question: Meyer! Why do you insist on using an inform Morne Steyn who throws games away for South Africa when you have amazing talent like Pat Lambie on the bench? Stop wasting the talent of amazing players they won't stick around forever and before you know it you will have lost them! Start Lambie and you will see an immediate change! – Meaghan

Your Question: Coach pls select Lambie and make us all happy, it will benefit u -promise. – Paul

Your Question: Is Lambie still not ready to take the kicking responsibility for the boks? we (the fans) definitely say that he is ready. – Istvan Gyongy

Your Question: Heyneke, I have been in your corner on 99% of your decisions. That being said, you can't deny that Patrick Lambie is the best 10 in South Africa right now. He deserves to start in the 10 jumper on this tour. You say that you think he is suited for the 15 spot but if this is the case why not use him? Will he start in the 10 jumper? If not will he start at 15? If not how do you justify the decision? – AJ White

Heyneke answers: Thanks for all the questions. Pat is starting at flyhalf this weekend and I’m looking forward to see what he can do for us, as he’s been playing well for The Sharks, in wet weather (in their last couple of matches), which is what we could be facing on Saturday. We have some great young flyhalves in South Africa and I’m excited to know that we have good depth in this very crucial position. Regarding Morne – het got a break during the last two Tests of The Castle Rugby Championship and he looked good when he came back in the latter part of the Absa Currie Cup. He brings experience to the team which is why he is also on the bench this weekend.

Your Question: Do you see Etzebeth as having the ability to play a role at 5 in the future? Is anything being done to give you and him that option? Any obstacles that you think may stop this from happening? – Hendrik

Heyneke answers: At this stage Hendrik, we’ll stick with Eben at 4. He’s had an amazing season and only turned 21 a week or so ago. I think he can become one of the great locks in world rugby, but we won’t rush him into anything he’s not ready for.

Your Question: Hi Heyneke I am a big fan, but I was glad to see that you had recently admitted to making some mistakes. To be more specific, what would you say those were? Do you see those being rectified by you and your staff for the EOYT? All the best! – Wes

Your Question: I commend you on admitting to mistakes in your first couple of months. I am or was one of the most disappointed supporters after the Eng tour and the Championship. So, while I know we (media, public, fans, friends) exert a whole lot of pressure, thank you for taking it on the chin and admitting to the mistakes. It goes a long way and says a lot about your character. Thank you – I am behind you. – Roderique

Your Question: Hi Coach Let me start by saying i think you have done a great job with the group that you have had. with the young guns on tour will we see some of them in your plans for next year, i think a guy like Raymond has huge potential.will we see them against Scotland. Thanks – Iain Coetzee

Heyneke answers: Wes, Roderique and Iain, thanks for the support and the questions. Yes, I admitted to making some mistakes in my first season with the Boks, but making mistakes is part of life and it’s important to learn from your mistakes. I’ve learned a lot this year and am looking forward to this tour, and only if the opportunity presents itself, I’d like to give game time to as many of the players as possible as I believe in all of them. The main purpose is to win though and that is the most important – the results will determine team selections.
